A broad and popular struggle and mass power that represents men and women, and has principles and ideas that are consistent with the principles of LVC. The Alliance has a long history in the peasant struggle movement in Sudan and most of the alliance militants have been influential and have fought great struggles towards farmers’ rights since the 1960s before the government took control of the project. It also has strong and extended relations locally and regionally with the neighboring countries, which enables it to interact and play a pivotal role in expanding the movement’s work and membership. The coalition was established in 1999 as a grassroot institution with an elected membership. The Sudanese government destroyed the democratic process and controlled the boards of directors by appointing new directors. The coalition established a “cooperative institution” that worked to develop factories and housing projects – more than 4000 units – providing thousands of job opportunities for farmers, it has more than 114,000 male and female farmers as members. In 2005, as an attempt to regain the control over Al Jazeera project, the coalition reestablished its body and its organizational structure which aims to support the productivity and the production by guaranteeing the right to land, refusing the deduction of peasants’ lands, supporting peasants access to production means, defending the Alliance and formulating an alternative project for agricultural policies to preserve the rights of male and female farmers in their struggle against the face of globalization, capitalism, and endemic privatization.